Thursday, May 8, 2008

Final Blog Posting!

Here it is- the grand finale!!

1) At least two analyses of photographs.

Smoke Screen

Battle of Chancelorsville

2) At least two creative pieces. This might include poems, short stories, or other innovative forms.

NUMA NUMA Homophonic Translation!


I Remember

War Pigs (new)

Interview with a Soldier (new)

3) At least two letters.

Dear U.S. Citizens

Letter to a Soldier (new)

4) At least one group effort post.

Which is Which?

5) At least one post that relates, refers to or deals with a medium other than writing or photography (i.e. film, sculpture, etc.). Push the medium to its limit here. How does the form of a blog allow you to do something you couldn't have done on paper?

War in Video Games (new)

6) At least one post completely of your own design and execution.

War Redefined (new)

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